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Our Goal


Our Goal at N.D.L. is to teach youth the necessary basketball skills in order to achieve individual success while promoting literacy among children. At N.D.L. we believe the values and skills learned early on are vital building blocks for success in life. By helping children realize their potential, N.D.L. believes this will build confident children today who will become successful adults tomorrow.

Why NETS Developmental League


At N.D.L., we believe all children have great potential. We help them achieve their athletic and educational potential through weekly practices and games, and requiring them to read at least one book per week. Our belief in the importance of reading and its impact on a child reaching their potential is supported by the facts below from the National Education Association.


  • 44% of young people read less than 10 books a year

  • 44% of America’s 4th graders cannot read fluently

  • 60% of America’s prison inmates are illiterate

  • 85% of all juvenile offenders have reading problems

  • Children who are illiterate are 3-4 times more likely to drop out of school

  • 85% of unwed mothers and 68% of those arrested are illiterate



Children who participate in N.D.L. are given literacy resources and read an average of 14 books in a 7-week span. These efforts are designed to increase the national average literacy rate. N.D.L., we impact children and communities for years to come!



“If you're looking for  an organization for your child to learn the basics in sports skills as well as help them realize their full potential sign them up you won't regret it.”

~Heather White


“NETS Developmental League has increased my child's interest in sports and has helped improved academically."

~Patrick Johnson


“ My son was in a tournament last month and it was an unforgettable experience for him.”

~Lindsey Moore


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